Casino Install CD ISO Win98 Versoin
This ISO creates the original Windows 98 Game Install CD. I was able to install this on my old Wiindows XP machine.
If you have Windows 2000 or NT, you probably want the Windows 2000 (32 bit) version of the game install CD. But if that does not work, try this one.
Casino2000 Install CD ISO image
Windows 2000 was 32bit, and we upgraded the code (still using Borland C++ Delphi). The few known bugs were fixed and essentially the exact same game as the Windows 98 version. This should work on Windows 2000 and Windows NT. This is the actual game CD that was sold in stores.
Casino Game Video Tour
In this video I take you on a tour of the "Avery Cardoza's Casino" (casino 2000) game. You will get a good idea of what it will take to re-create the game as a phone app.
Dealer Script and Game Editor Video
In this video, I use the Blackjack game as an example to show how the design documentation and dealer script works, and I give a tour of the game editor which the programmers built, and we used to organize the resources, and also combine them into 'Skits' which have dialogue, sound effects, animations (called sprites) and criteria for when to use the skit.
Game Editor (GED) Install GED and Casino Data Files (CD-G)
GED is used to organize and edit all of the game resources for each game. Then you use GED to create the .det and .dew files (the Wad files) which are used in the game.
Casino Programmer Csource and Dev Files (CD-A)
This is a backup of the programmers working directory. I believe it contains all C++ Source and all project resources for several published games, including: Casino (win98), Casino 2000, 500Slots and Video Poker (2000), 100 Slots (98), Video Poker (2000?), GED (game Editor (win 2000 version and Win98 versions). THIS IS THE NEWEST SOURCE FOR ALL GAMES and GED.exe
Casino and other games CSource Backup
Casino and other games CSource Backup.
Just Extract this folder on your Windows PC. Works on Windows 10. This is the complete game for windows 2000 (32 bit) Has dozens of working Slots and VP machines. Each machine has it's own resources file with all the data for the game. Definitely check this out, and you can open some of the data files in Notepad or your text editor.
Casino 2000 Screenshots of many of the games.
Casino 3D Art Sources1 (CD32)
3D Studio Max Files for Casino #1 - (CD32)
Casino 3D Art Sources2 (CD28)
3D Studio Max files for Casino #2 (CD28)
Casino 3D Art Sources3 (CD29)
3D Studio Max files for Casion#3 (CD29)